The Mettenmeier Customer Magazine for the Energy and Water Industries
The customer magazine is only available in German.Issue 2018
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- Portals and process solutions for grid connection
- App for measuring house connections via smartphone
- Public Utilities Ulm/Neu-Ulm: Process-Oriented Restructuring
- News from MGC: Version 3.0 and short reports from projects
- MGC Task and MGC Properties: New apps for grid operators
- EnergieNetz Mitte: Plan enquiry with process control
- MGC plan enquiry at nvb and Public Utilities Herne
- Smallworld GIS and MGC at the Energy Supply Hildesheim
- DONETZ: Migration of telecommunications data for single-line representation in Smallworld GIS
- Upgrade to Smallworld GIS Version 5.2
- Valuable information from the network data service
- openKONSEQUENZ: Open Source Software for Grid Operators
Issue 2017
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- Digital grid connection process
- Mobile MGC app for the NBB fault clearance service
- MGC as an integrated solution for grid operation at N-ERGIE
- GIS for everyone at Lörmecke Waterworks
- Mobile maintenance with OPTIMUS at LINZ AG
- MEGA Monheim relies on OPTIMUS for grid construction
- Workforce management at ÜZ Lülsfeld
- Portal for e-regio business customers
- Outlook on Smallworld NRM Version 5.2
- Pipe management module at Public Utilities Witten
- Wastewater information system of the inetz from Chemnitz
- All-round solution for the wastewater grids of the city of Düsseldorf
- ALKIS change service including grid data adaptations
- Trip to the South Seas: Enercal receives new GIS software
Issue 2016
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- NRM, Module Pipe Management and Reference Reports EWR Remscheid and Public Utilities Soltau
- MGC replaces Smallworld Field and SIAS at NBB
- MGC and Smallworld successfully introduced at BeSte Public Utilities GmbH
- MGC Click Before You Dig at Public Utilities Unna
- Portal applications and process solutions at EnergieNetz Mitte in Kassel and e-regio in Euskirchen
- Diagnostics - Performance Analysis of the Smallworld GIS at Public Utilities Hamm
- Operation management with OPTIMUS at Wasser Nord and at the Unterfränkische Überlandzentrale in Lülsfeld
- Line homogenisation and network data services at STAWAG in Aachen, Germany
- New concession areas in the GIS of GGEW Bensheim
From the Content
- Pipe management module
- New grid information system for Hanau Netz GmbH
- GIS-App for development areas for Public Utilities Herne
- Diagnostics - Diagnostics for your GIS
- Transformer load calculations in GIS at N-ERGIE
- Technical Controlling with OPTIMUS
- Powerful ESC processes with Camunda BPM