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Utility Solutions 2017 – Mettenmeier in Top Shape

Paderborn, September 2017.

From 12 to 14 September 2017, more than 150 customers and potential customers took advantage of the opportunity to exchange information in lectures, workshops and discussions on the use of special software solutions and state-of-the-art technologies for network operators.

At the start of the three-day event, the focus was on MGC’s web applications and mobile solutions as well as the OPTIMUS planning and maintenance system. In interactive user meetings, innovations were presented, practical requirements were pointed out and small discussions were held on how working life can be further simplified and improved with the help of smart applications.

Loaded with case studies, the second day of the congress offered a very practice-oriented insight into the topics of “GIS and network data” and “Work management in network services”. DEW21 from Dortmund, for example, presented a new procedure for documenting electricity grids in route format under the title “Glass sidewalk”. The N-ERGIE from Nuremberg showed the various application possibilities of the MGC in network operation and the NBB from Berlin reported on a special MGC application for the fault clearance service, which optimizes the workflow and the communication between the control room and the emergency vehicles.

A lecture by inetz from Chemnitz on the subject of condition assessment of wastewater networks provided important impulses for the participating wastewater network operators.

MEGA from Monheim showed how the OPTIMUS planning system supports a major project such as the area-wide expansion of a FTTX network, and LINZ AG reported on the use of the software to optimize the interaction between GIS and SAP and to optimally support the field service in the water and wastewater industries.

In addition to the practical reports, the Mettenmeier subsidiary Syqlo caused a sensation. The new app for surveying mains cables with a commercially available smartphone was presented at an open trench and emerged as the clear winner in a race with a real surveyor.

Users were given an insight into the new version 5 of Smallworld GIS in interactive hands-on workshops held in a specially equipped training room in the FGE Training Center.

As a communication platform, the trade exhibition provided an excellent opportunity for the participants to exchange ideas with each other. Among others, the partners GE Energy, CRP, the newly founded consulting company “Process People”, as well as the rugged tablets and notebooks of our hardware partner Getac were present.

The third day of the congress was dedicated to the further development of Smallworld NRM Electricity, Gas, Water and Wastewater. Within the framework of the annual SWUG working groups, Mettenmeier provided the framework for the development of ideas and the formulation of new requirements. In this way, the specialist applications have been further developed for over 20 years in close exchange with practice and today rank among the best data and functional models worldwide for the documentation and management of supply and sewage networks. Here alone over 90 users participated, which illustrates the high significance of the software.

With so much technical quality, an appropriate social programme was a must. A cultural city tour through Paderborn and a visit to the State Garden Show in Bad Lippspringe ended with a convivial evening, where the manifold impressions of the congress days could be reflected.

Together with our customers, we are already looking forward to the next Utility Solutions from 11 to 13 September 2018.


Press/Public Relations

+49 5251 150-331

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